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Results for "author_first: "Neil", author_last: "Douglas-Klotz""
Investigate Gratitude Looking for new ways to be thankful.
The Genesis Meditations Neil Douglas-Klotz on finding ways to make the creation story our story to cultivate devotion.
Blessings of the Cosmos Neil Douglas-Klotz presents blessings uttered by Jesus in his native language of Aramaic, with this one about the divine calling we all have as sons and daughters of God.
Blessings of the Cosmos Blessings and invocations of Jesus serving as a spur to our delight in being sons and daughters of God.
The Hidden Gospel A fascinating look at Aramaic spirituality.
The Sufi Book of Life A poetic, practical, and enlightening introduction to this mystical path.
Desert Wisdom Ancient writings with contemporary relevance.
The Genesis Meditations Describes the creation story as a meeting place for three religions and offers practices for personal meditations on its many meanings.
The Sufi Book of Life A story about smuggling teachings to the soul while the conscious mind is occupied elsewhere.